Sunday, November 16, 2008

Man, I'm a Crappy Blogger...

Well, it's hard to remember what when on since my last post.  That's probably why most people do these things almost everyday.  Oh well here it goes...

School is almost over, I'm actually doing really well in my classes for once.  Finals haven't been too bad, but I still have like three to take.

Too add to my already nerdiness, I'm watching the CW show Smallville a lot.  It's gotten really good.  Especially this season.  The Office has been really great as well, as usual.  Daryl is really funny, and I'm finally starting to like Pam again.

I got an iPhone.  It's black, it's awesome.  Later.

1 comment:

Pamela Vest said...

I phone good Ohio cell service bad. Espically near minford lol