Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Back In The Swing Of Things...

Man, retail at Christmas kinda sucks.  Part time work equals 45 hours of each week.  Man, I have video games I need to beat, books to read, TV to watch.  

Christmas is almost here, I already have my gift.  I still love it.  It's my iPhone.  I still need to buy some presents.  Ruh Roh.

Lately I've been kinda a jerk, I don't mean to be.  I haven't really spent time with anyone or made an effort to talk to anyone.  I guess I could blame it on work, but no, I'm just lazy....  this blog is a start I guess.... Hello World.

'Til Next Time.... lata

p.s. I got Shawshank Redemption brand new for 5 bucks.  STEAL.

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