Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Chinese Bedtime

So me and the guys at OU did our second concert of three.  It went great.  One band had a banjo and trumpet player.  It was pretty awesome.  Their was another band called bedtime.  They were weird but really good.  They're probably one of my favorite bands now.  

My car's been making a lot of weird noises.  So.... I called Daddy and while my car is in the shop I get to drive my Mom's Volkswagen.  Not a bad deal.  When they dropped the car off they also bought me Chinese.  My car needs to break more often.

I'm almost done with 1Samuel.  David is a man.  He dodges Saul's spears like they're nothing.  It's pretty awesome.  David had so much faith.  I'm a bit jealous....

Friday, October 24, 2008

Rain Rain Go Away... At Least Until I Go To Sleep

Man, for some reason I stayed up late and had to wake up early for work.  I'm a retard.  And then to add to my retardedness I decided to run after if was dark and cold and rainy.  Now I don't feel too good.  I'll get over it.  

I'm finally getting comfortable with RadioShack.  They haven't given me a real name badge yet.  It's still says I'm in training.  I'm working on it.  I sold a phone by myself today.  I rule.  

I really want to watch Max Payne, but I couldn't find anyone to go with me...  I feel to bad to go tonight anyway.

Something I thought was really cool, I've been reading through 1 Samuel, and I love being reminded of all the Bible stories I learned when I was a kid.  I just forgot about them.  But now that I have dug into the scriptures more, I can see just how sovereign God truly is.  For example, when God tells Samuel to anoint David as king.  Then Saul needs someone to play the lute to calm him.  Guess who Saul's servants suggest?  David.  Awesome... God is in control.

To be continued....

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tardy and Klondike Bars

So one thing I miss about shawnee state is if I wake up late for class, I'm usually only ten minutes late.  Now that I drive 45 minutes to class everyday, if I happen to sleep in on accident I'm about an hour late.  It really stinks if I have a project due at the beginning of class.  We'll see how well I do.

I finally bought some groceries.  By groceries I mean klondike bars.  I'm good for another six days. Sweeet. 

Monday, October 20, 2008

5 weeks left...

Well, I'm halfway through my first quarter at OU.  I did pretty well on my midterms, so far all A's.  I hope it stays that way.  

Nothing is really going on right now.  I work and go to school, and study.  I'm pretty exciting.  I took all my clothes to my parents house to do some laundry and I forgot them.  Crap.

Lately I've been reading 1 Samuel.  I think a lot of times we just read the New Testament and forget that most of the Bible is the Old Testament.  All scripture is God breathed and equally important, so I'm reading in Samuel.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

End of midterms

Sweet, I studied and did pretty well on my midterms.  Imagine that.

Today I got lucky and skipped class, then I get a call from my professor saying he cancelled class.  Awesome.  So I watched Lady and the Tramp.  I have to say for some reason it's one of my favorite movies.  I hope that's not lame.  Today was lazy.  I also watched Disney's Hercules.  It was a good day.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Midterms whoop-dee-doo

Great, midterms start this week.  My life-less life is about to get more life-less.  Totally not awesome.  Oh well, at least I love what I'm studying now.  

Last night was our first of three concert series.  Things were a little shaky at first, but it turned out surprisingly well I thought.  Except for this retarted chick with balloons tied to her belt and she kept walking in front of my camera.  Man.  By the way she wasn't really retarted.

I watched karate kid.  It's still awesome.  Johnny pretty good at sweepin' that leg.

Psalm 51:1-2
Have mercy on me, O God, according to your steadfast love; according to your abundant mercy blot out my transgressions.  2 Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin!

Turn to God FIRST for forgiveness.  Don't wait.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Whoa, I'm tired.  After 20 hours of school and 25 of work I'm pretty worn out.  

Heroes is now my favorite TV show.  Well at least tied for first.  

New south park is awesome.  

Everyone come to the Upbeat on Saturday it's going to be so awesome.


Monday, October 6, 2008

Steak and Ebay

Whoa today, I was productive, instead of doing homework I cooked some delicious steak and put a few items on ebay to cover the cost of that steak.  I love college. 

We started a new project in my Video Production class.  My group's very own talk show.  It'll be pretty cool, my group elected me the director because they said they didn't know very much about what we're doing.  I accepted.  Whoopdeedoo. 

For some reason I just started watching Heroes and it's awesome.  I'm on episode four and I have to say it's up their with Scrubs and the Office.  Way to go NBC for stealing my heart.

I started reading 1 Samuel the other day.  I have been humbled by the second chapter.  In verse 25 of chapter 2 it says 

If someone sins against a man, God will mediate for him, but if someone sins against the LORD, who can intercede from him?  But they would not listen to the voice of their father, for it was the will of the LORD to put them to death.  

This verse shows how merciful God is to Christians, and again how thankful we should be for it. We all deserve the just punishment of hell for our sins and by God's ultimate grace we're not.  

Sunday, October 5, 2008

El Primero

My lack of Myspace interest has led to blogspot.  Today was a good day.  I was able to go home for two days this weekend, go to my Dad's church, and see my sister and bro for homecoming. 

After a few weeks at OU Southern, I've realized I don't fit in real well with the crowd there.  There are a couple of guys I hang out with but other than that, nada.  Oh well I'm too busy for a lot of friends anyway.  

I started working at RadioShack last week.  I'm here for all your battery needs... 

I've had a couple of weird things happen to me these last few weeks, I'm not going to ruin it by telling you... oooooh suspense....  Just a couple of hints, it involves Nintendo, Africa, and the FBI....  

Since school started I've been slacking in my spiritual life.  That's no excuse, but how hard is it to spend part of my day with my creator who sent his son to die for me and saved me from my sin?  Pretty lame, I know....

1 Thessalonians 5:13, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus.
In every situation whether it's stubbing your toe, finding a dollar, or when the Bengals lose again, give thanks for this is God's will for you.  Whoever God wants as president, that candidate will be president and we should give thanks no matter what.  But as a sinful human, I often forget this basic principle and forget how sovereign my God is.