Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Chinese Bedtime

So me and the guys at OU did our second concert of three.  It went great.  One band had a banjo and trumpet player.  It was pretty awesome.  Their was another band called bedtime.  They were weird but really good.  They're probably one of my favorite bands now.  

My car's been making a lot of weird noises.  So.... I called Daddy and while my car is in the shop I get to drive my Mom's Volkswagen.  Not a bad deal.  When they dropped the car off they also bought me Chinese.  My car needs to break more often.

I'm almost done with 1Samuel.  David is a man.  He dodges Saul's spears like they're nothing.  It's pretty awesome.  David had so much faith.  I'm a bit jealous....

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