Sunday, October 5, 2008

El Primero

My lack of Myspace interest has led to blogspot.  Today was a good day.  I was able to go home for two days this weekend, go to my Dad's church, and see my sister and bro for homecoming. 

After a few weeks at OU Southern, I've realized I don't fit in real well with the crowd there.  There are a couple of guys I hang out with but other than that, nada.  Oh well I'm too busy for a lot of friends anyway.  

I started working at RadioShack last week.  I'm here for all your battery needs... 

I've had a couple of weird things happen to me these last few weeks, I'm not going to ruin it by telling you... oooooh suspense....  Just a couple of hints, it involves Nintendo, Africa, and the FBI....  

Since school started I've been slacking in my spiritual life.  That's no excuse, but how hard is it to spend part of my day with my creator who sent his son to die for me and saved me from my sin?  Pretty lame, I know....

1 Thessalonians 5:13, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus.
In every situation whether it's stubbing your toe, finding a dollar, or when the Bengals lose again, give thanks for this is God's will for you.  Whoever God wants as president, that candidate will be president and we should give thanks no matter what.  But as a sinful human, I often forget this basic principle and forget how sovereign my God is.  

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