Friday, October 24, 2008

Rain Rain Go Away... At Least Until I Go To Sleep

Man, for some reason I stayed up late and had to wake up early for work.  I'm a retard.  And then to add to my retardedness I decided to run after if was dark and cold and rainy.  Now I don't feel too good.  I'll get over it.  

I'm finally getting comfortable with RadioShack.  They haven't given me a real name badge yet.  It's still says I'm in training.  I'm working on it.  I sold a phone by myself today.  I rule.  

I really want to watch Max Payne, but I couldn't find anyone to go with me...  I feel to bad to go tonight anyway.

Something I thought was really cool, I've been reading through 1 Samuel, and I love being reminded of all the Bible stories I learned when I was a kid.  I just forgot about them.  But now that I have dug into the scriptures more, I can see just how sovereign God truly is.  For example, when God tells Samuel to anoint David as king.  Then Saul needs someone to play the lute to calm him.  Guess who Saul's servants suggest?  David.  Awesome... God is in control.

To be continued....

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